The Russcher’s :: Family

Over Labor day weekend I met with the Russcher Family at Spring Grove park in Jamestown. I was able to take photos of the individual families as well as take some shots of the whole family together. The Russcher’s are definitely a growing family! Right now there are 5 kids under the age of three, which made for an interesting photo shoot! I am so thankful to my good friend Kaylin who was willing to come along with me and help try to get the kids attention so they would hopefully look in my direction. During this session there was a lot of key dangling and jumping around behind me! At one point I had all of the parents jumping and dancing and shouting behind me trying to get all of the kids to look my way. It didn’t exactly work perfectly, but I think we were able to get at least one where all the kids are kind of looking my way.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to have spent time with this wonderful family, even if it was just a few hours! That amount of time was enough to do a lot of laughing and get a small glimpse of how much this family loves and cares for one another.

Thank you Russcher’s for letting me spend some time with your families! I hope you enjoy!

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