Kristen & Joe :: 3 year anniversary

My friends Kristen & Joe and I started a tradition on their one year wedding anniversary of taking a photo of them together on (or near) their anniversary every year. This year marked the THIRD year we have done this! I can’t believe how fast time flies. That very first year I actually hadn’t even bought my own DSLR camera yet so I used Kristen’s Dad camera, last year I was still just photographing for friends and family and now this year I have started my own photography business!

What I love about this tradition we have going is that I think it is fun to see how Kristen & Joe have changed (and will change) through the years but also to see how I grow as a photographer as well.

Tuesday, on their anniversary, I had another photo shoot scheduled for a Senior at Unity’s 48th St Football field so they met me out there and we did a quick mini shoot before I met up with my Senior Session. Even though it was a bit of a change from the location we were originally thinking, I am really excited with how these shots turned out!

Happy 3 year Anniversary Kristen & Joe! I pray that we can keep this tradition alive for many many years to come!

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