Josie :: Holland MI senior session

I met with Josie and her Mom in Holland MI for her senior session a couple weeks ago. It was the most beautiful evening in Michigan with a slight breeze and low humidity. We just toured the town stopping when we came across great locations  that would make for the perfect backdrop. Kollens Park, gravel docks, downtown Holland, Holland state park were some of the areas we ended up at.

Josie has a gorgeous smile and an even more gorgeous personality. Touring around town and getting to know her a little bit better while capturing this time in her life was so much fun. I am praying that her senior year at Zeeland West High School is one of the best years of her life. She is smart, a gifted athlete, and talented young lady with a bright future.

Enjoy this preview of Josie’s senior session!


Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie Josie

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