Fiona :: 1 Year Old

A week ago, on a rainy Saturday I met sweet little 1 year old Fiona for her 1 Year old photo shoot. I drove out to Greg & Alyson’s house and since the weather was not so nice, we decided on doing Fiona’s photos inside their house. It worked out perfectly, they had 2 sliding glass doors leading out to their deck which allowed great natural light. I love doing photos outside because of the great scenery and all of the wonderful natural light I need for gorgeous photos, but I could not have been blessed with a better plan B! If I can’t be outside, being inside by a giant window is perfect.

Fiona was such an adorable, happy 1 year old full of spunk! It was so easy to make her smile! And, she definitely loves cupcakes! (but I mean seriously, who doesn’t!?)

I am so thankful to Greg and Alyson for letting me come into their home and capture these photos of their super cute daughter! I had such a great time and am so excited to share my absolute favorites from the session here with you! Enjoy,

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