“Be your own kind of beautiful”
The world is full of beautiful people. And many of those beautiful people just don’t see that beauty in themselves. Why is that? I believe that the media has always painted this idea of what beautiful is and most of us just don’t fit that mold. So therefore, people just don’t see that beauty they hold.
I want to change that. I believe we are all beautiful in our own way. Maybe we don’t fit this particular mold that is set for what beautiful means, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t. We need to change the way we see ourselves. I don’t want to be like everyone else, and I don’t want the people I love to feel they need to be anyone else either because they are perfect just the way they are. From the color of our hair, to the way we laugh, the size of our bodies, and how we deal with problems, etc. we each are beautiful in our own way. That is what I wanted to show in this photo shoot with my gorgeous friends.
To me, they are each so incredibly beautiful and I am so lucky to have them in my life. They each are unique and each have different strengths. Some of my friends are mothers, college graduates, working professionals and continuing their education. Each are on their own incredible journey in this thing called life. They are all strong, incredible, loving, fun, gorgeous, supportive women and I am thankful for each one and the impact they have had on my life.
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” Audrey Hepburn