Alison & Brandon :: Engaged

What I love about photography is all of the awesome people I get to meet, and this engagement session was a perfect example of that! Earlier this summer I met Alison and her parents at her house to talk about wedding photography and I was so overjoyed when they chose me to shoot their wedding next July, and this engagement just solidified that joy!!

Alison & Brandon are so much fun! I think we laughed pretty much the whole time we were together. You can just tell how in love they are by how much laughter was shared. Alison & Brandon met in High School and are your classic high school sweethearts. I have such a soft spot for couples like them because my husband and I are high school sweet hearts as well.

For this engagement session I first met them at Hemlock Crossings out in West Olive. I absolutely love this spot! There are so many different looking areas that are great photo spots, including this super awesome tree that has fallen down. At the end of the night we quick buzzed over to Kirk Park to quick snap some photos along the beach as the sun set.

I had a really hard time narrowing down my favorites once again, there were just too many to choose from! I hope you enjoy!

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